Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Crochet A Rainbow

For many months I have admired the artistic talent of fellow crocheter Sarah London.  Sarah has recently started a campaign called "Crochet A Rainbow" in order to provide some comfort to flood victims of Australia.  For many years I have dedicated much of my crafting time to a very worthy charity based out of Pennsylvania.  This is the first time I've reached so far across the globe, but I feel blessed to be able to use my God-given talent in order to help in this special way.  Thank you, Sarah, for heading this up.

For more information, click on "Crochet A Rainbow" in the side bar.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Working on WIPS

One of my goals in 2011 - other than concentrating on baby items for the charity I volunteer for - is to finish up some WIPs that have been hanging around.  I have, oh, maybe 5 or more years worth of projects to complete.  Well, it might not be that bad.  But I do have a lot.  Over the summer when fleece was on sale, I bought 4 panels to edge in crochet.  I think they're 2 1/2 yards and 60 inches wide.  Nice and cozy, with a personal touch.  Here's the first.  I ran out of yarn before I could complete the final round, but I think I like it this way better - not so ruffly.
I have to make a plug here for the awesome tool I have to make the evenly-spaced notches in the fleece.  It's a rotary blade called the Skip Stitch blade.  Look it up on the Internet (using Goodsearch to help Online Angels, of course) and check it out.

Crochet for Birthday

My mother-in-law's birthday is exactly 2 weeks after Christmas - 1 week after New Year's.  I get so stressed out getting all the gifts for Christmas, her birthday usually pops up on me quicker than expected.  This year, she's getting hand made.

Crochet Scrubbies (cotton and plarn)
Crochet Dish Cloths

Crochet Hot pads

Crochet Coasters (6 in all)

2011 - Something New Saturday

While waiting on husband to bring a new car battery and rescue me from being stranded while out shopping, I walked over to JoAnn for some yarn and a hook.....  and came out with something I didn't plan on.  Check out this cool Tadpole knitting loom!  I have a wooden scarf loom I bought years ago, but these pegs are much closer - providing a tighter weave.  Love it!  I still have my first scarf on the loom, but it looks promising for my husband.

I must mention the obstacles I have while taking pictures - other than poor lighting for lack of a good photo spot.  This is Taluse - wanting attention - curious to see what I'm doing.