Saturday, December 18, 2010

More Crochet

Until Christmas has passed, my crocheting and blogging time will be limited.  So, I thought I would post a few things I've completed these past couple of weeks.

Scarf made on a scarf rake knitting loom.  Hat is crochet - check out the ear flaps and brim.  Dark blue with hunter green accent.  I can't wait to see it on Little Mikey.

A crochet scarf and a hat made on a Knifty Knitter round loom.  Veriegated white / purple / green with purple and pink accents.  I love making spirals.  I think Layla will enjoy watching them spring and squiggle when she walks.

My second Special Olympics scarf.  Crocheted using a wave pattern.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Misc Crochet

A Christmas gift for my niece.  Pattern from Sarah London's Hip to Hook 2010 - Radiant Sunbeams.  I didn't follow the pattern for the backside - it's the same crochet in the round as the front, but without the loops for the beams.  I only used the yellow.  
 I added the loops of all the different colors on the outside edge - my own Cary2Crafty finishing touch.

This was a quick scarf I knit using my awesome scarf loom.  It's a little looser than I'd like, but it's super soft.  This will be a donation for Online Angels.  There's always a great need for scarves in the winter.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Something New Saturday - Ripple Pillow

I think my "Something New Saturday" might have to turn into just plain "Something New".  A new project from beginning to end sometimes takes me more than one day.  Last Saturday, I was battling a cold and really didn't feel up to crocheting.  For this post, I actually started the project last night.  I've been searching for a ripple pillow pattern from my great aunt's generation.  I posted an inquiry on my Online Angels group, and a member told me how she's made them in the past.  So I found the basic pattern, and chose up-to-date colors.  I loved how it turned out.  I can't wait to play with more color combinations for my pillow projects next year.

I was excited to get started on my Something New, but I made myself complete my final afghan Christmas present over Thanksgiving.

The first afghan I made for my sister-in-law Kimberly.  Using Simply Soft, it's a country blue color.  The pattern is from Heirloom Afghans (Leisure Arts), and is called Marvelous in Mauve.  (I used my artistic freedom and chose a different color.)

Next on the list was an afghan for my brother-in-law and sister-in-law - Ken and Lisa.  I've used this pattern before for my nephew when he got married.  For this afghan I also used Simply Soft, but using a dark blue.  The pattern is found in Birthstone AFGHANS  (Leisure Arts), called JULY - Ruby.  I've always loved the pineapple design.

The final afghan for my Christmas project is for my parents-in-law.  Again, using Simple Soft (can you tell it's my favorite yarn?) - this is a heather color - plum.  The pattern is another from Heirloom Afghans called Just Peachy (notice the color of mine isn't peach.)

Now that I have these out of the way, I get to work on my WIPs in addition to my donations for Online Angels.    Let's see - Amanda's blanket, another blanket using up some baby chenille, scarves for the Special Olympics, a candle cozy, fabric yo-yos, edged fleece blankets .....  I'm sure there are many others but they've been put away for so long I just can't remember.  Oh, and for next year - my personal projects will be pillows and more pillows.  Maybe slippers - as my family seems to get a kick out of the old-fashioned hand-crochet slippers.  For Online Angels, I'm going to concentrate on baby items.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Something New Saturday - Baby Booties

I chose a quick project for today because I knew I wouldn't have a lot of time to crochet.  I went to a funeral today of a dear old lady I've known for almost 30 years.  She was very talented - from cooking to crafting to artwork.  Almost 25 years ago she made my wedding cake and catered my wedding reception.
My something new to try today was a new pattern for baby booties.  The pattern was called Easy Baby Booties using Vanna's Baby Yarn by Lion Brand.  I loved the look, and a plus was these didn't require sewing, and they are one piece.  The instructions were clear for the sole, but coming up the sides they made absolutely no sense to me.  And the finish was even more bizarre because where I finished was at the end opposite of where the pattern said to end.  So.....  I had to improvise, and then I had to remember what I did when I made the mate.  Not my best work, so I'll end up throwing this pattern out - unless I can find it again with corrections.  I really like the look of these booties.  I used medium-weight 4-ply yarn, but I think baby yarn would work best - something lighter weight.  Lucky for me, my work is not a total loss.  The charity I volunteer for is great for finding the perfect home for whatever I make.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Something New Saturday - Spa Set

Yesterday I spent a lot of time "working out" with more cotton yarn.  I don't know why I feel like it takes more strength to crochet with cotton...  This Spa Set (Crochet World - August 2010) includes a wash cloth, scrubbie, and puff.  I used some cotton yarn from my stash - so not really spa colors.  I think the puff gave me the most challenge - working through all the ruffles, and wondering "am I almost done?"  But I really turned out neat, and I'm glad I tried it.  Next test is to see how it holds up when put to use. 
Last week I gathered everything up for my November box to send to Online Angels.  Shown are 250 squares.  I made 50 more squares to make 300 in the box.  After these, I think I have about 60 more to make to reach my 1000-square goal.  Also included in the box are some fleece blankets I found at the drug store marked way down.  And then some hotel toiletries and condiments collected for me by my husband and some co-workers.  These items make great stocking stuffers for senior homes, shelters, children's homes, and hospitals.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Something New Saturday - Hot Pad

This past week I've been visiting some blogs of fellow crocheters.  I've added myself as a follower of several that seem to have the same interests.  I've been inspired by many - there are so many talented people.  I could spend days surfing blogs on the net.  Last week my interest was renewed in potholders and hot pads.  I started my Saturday running errands, including a trip to AC Moore for some cotton yarn for my Something New project.  Back at home, I was going to search for some patterns on-line, but today my home internet connection decided to die.  They sent a technician right away, so I had a mad dash around the house picking up mess the kids left.  Fun, fun.  While I waited for the tech to show up, I pulled out some pattern books in search of a pattern of something round that would make a cool potholder or hot pad.  I found a pattern in an afghan book with some motifs that would be perfect for a potholder.  I made 2 and joined them together, then made 2 final rounds.  I think this will also double as a hot pad.  I don't really like working with cotton, but it's the best yarn for kitchen stuff like pot holders, hot pads, and coasters  You might not be able to tell the colors - the picture quality isn't the best.  But I used pale yellow, navy blue, a variegated "Vintage Twist", burgundy, and sage.  These colors will go great in my kitchen.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Something New Saturday - Special Olympics Scarf

For many personal reasons, the Special Olympics Scarf Project is near and dear to my heart.  I stumbled upon this project a few years ago, and was awestruck by the response across the country.  I participated that year and sent in about 6 scarves.  Following the activity, I was surprised to see that they could practically fill a basketball court with all the donations.  At one point I was disappointed that they had so many contributions that the scarves ended up across the town and in stores.  Then again, I was humbled that so many people would care enough to take the time to participate.  I ran out of time last year, so the 2 scarves I completed ended up being donated to Online Angels instead.  I hope I can get myself together enough to make the deadline this time.  For my Something New, I ran across this idea when looking at some afghan patterns.  This is a Scandinavian Square pattern from a recent magazine.  I didn't chose the colors - these are designated for the 2011 Special Olympics Scarf Project.  It was fun to do, but not fun enough to mass produce.  I'm thinking of a Mile-A-Minute pattern for the next one.  Stay tuned for a different one on an up-coming Something New Saturday.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Something New Saturday - Scrabble Tile Pendants

This past week I received a notice for an upcoming class at a local art store.  The picture attached to the notice showed some ornaments made of glass pendants.  I don't have time for the class, but I really was intrigued by the ornaments in the picture.  In my search for more information about the glass pendants, I ran across instructions on how to make glass tile pendants.  And that led me to the discovery of Scrabble Tile Pendants.  I had never seen these before, but apparently I'm a couple of years behind the times.  They look so cool, I immediately wanted to see if I could make them myself.  I was amazed at how many different websites have instructions, and how many different opinions are out there as to the best way to make them.  I have most of the supplies on hand for the Scrabble Tile Pendants, but didn't have much time to make them the traditional way with several coats of glue and glaze.  I kind of chickened out and cheated somewhat.  Plus - I want to practice on the wooden tiles before I work with the nicer glass tiles.  I hope I can figure out how to make the glazed top without bubbles or cracking.  In the mean time, I used epoxy stickers to get a feel for the finished product.  The only thing left to do is glue on some bails and work out a cord strap to turn them into necklaces.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Something New Saturday - Grannies

Today I thought I'd kill two birds with one stone.  I wanted to continue with my Something New Saturday, but I also have the deadline of my 1000 squares goal looming.  So I decided to get out my 99 Grannies book and try out some new patterns.  Although it was good practice for me reading and following the different patterns, I think I'll just stick to the basic granny from here on out.  The basic granny is so quick and easy, and I think the lines are much nicer and cleaner.  Plus - I don't have to constantly think about what I'm doing - I can watch TV, listen to music, have a conversation with the family - without worrying about losing my place and messing up the pattern.  I found one major mistake in one of them, but I just left it alone.  It adds character.

On a different note, I was excited this past week when I was able to complete my supply of yarn for my next project - 2011 Special Olympic Scarves.  You can read about it on the internet - use GoodSearch as your search engine and look it up.  You'd be surprised at the overwhelming response they get to their call for handmade scarves.  And I'm sure Coats & Clark is happy with the yarn sales.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Something New Saturday - Fabric Basket

For today's something new I decided to put a new spin on something I used to make about 15 years ago.  A friend taught me how to crochet baskets before I was crocheting for real.  I found another friend who hooked me up with a supplier of some fabric ends.  I've saved those ends for a long time - not really knowing what to do with them, but not wanting to throw them away.  True crafters know exactly what I'm talking about.  Anyway, I saw an idea from Crochet Dude....  I ripped some of the fabric I had into smaller strips - thinking I could make a smaller basket.  Well, fabric is NOT easy for me to crochet with.  So although this Something New was kind of a bust, at least I was able to come to the decision that crocheting with fabric just isn't my thing.  So... off to make more squares.  I just calculated my total, and I have 690 done for the year.  That means I have to make 310 more.  Which calculates out to be a little bit more than 100 a month over these last 3 months of the year.  Throw in a couple of holidays, some other "must do" craft projects that will be Christmas gifts, and the usual stuff with the kids - this is going to be very difficult to accomplish.  Wish me luck!

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Afghan and Bookmarks

Last night I was looking forward to working on bookmarks.  Got supper out of the way, cleaned up in the kitchen, paid the bills.... then the power went out.  So much for WIP Wednesday.  So, I made up for it tonight.  I finished up some bookmarks that I had been working on.  I think they'll make great stocking stuffers, or be that special extra touch tucked in a book given as a gift.  These, too, I'll work on as time permits, and add them to my inventory for "one day".  One Day when I decide I have enough goodies put away to open a store.  I'm also working on some Christmas gifts for family.  This afghan is number 3 of 3.  I'm only about 1/4 done.  Afghan number 2 still needs to be washed so I can add the fringe.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Something New Saturday - Candle Cozies

Not too long ago I stumbled upon a blog of a very talented crocheter - Sarah London.  In addition to her awesome color combinations, she has shared some of her projects - including her glass cozies.  Crocheting with thread is something I like to do from time to time, so I was drawn to this idea of a cozy.  I love candles, and I thought an elegant cozy for a glass candle would be a nice decoration for the home.  Although the idea came to me from one of Sarah's projects, this candle cozy design is all my own - a Cary2Crafty original.  I liked the finished product so much, I'll probably build some inventory in hopes to sell these one day.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

WIP Wednesday - Squares for Online Angels

Last year I decided I would set a goal for myself to make 1000 Granny Squares for Online Angels (OA).  These squares, together with those from other volunteers, will be assembled into Loveghans to comfort those most in need.  I planned to make 100 each month, giving myself extra time to make other things - for OA, family, and friends.  Sounds like a good plan, but it hasn't been easy.  There were a few months when I just wasn't able to do it.  I haven't added them all up yet, so I don't know how I'm doing so far.  I'll add them up after I send my box off to OA and see what kind of push I need to make to reach my goal.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Something New Saturday - Yo Yos

I decided that Saturday would be a good day to learn something new.  I have a lot of ideas to try, so I'll have a lot of full Saturdays coming up.  Today I wanted to figure out how to make fabric Yo-Yos.  I started out looking for a pair of good scissors so I could cut out some diaper shirts for the charity I volunteer for.  Someone suggested a rotary cutter.  I have several already - for paper crafts and for fleece projects.  But I never thought about cutting anything more than a straight line.  So - off to the internet to research.  I discovered a whole new world of what you can do with a rotary cutter.  I'll have to save my $$$ and coupons, though, for my wish list - including templates to use with rotary cutters.  While on this search, I saw some cool-looking templates for making yo-yos.  So - I gathered my supplies - bought some I didn't already have, and spent the day making yo-yos.  I should also mention the helpful video tutorial at  It was a slow start, but after the first few I found myself on a roll.  It will take a lot of these little babies to make a coverlet for the bed, so I'll just make them when I'm in the mood and collect them in a jar.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Testing and Teasing

This is just a test to see if I can upload a picture.  I was able to do a little crafting over the holiday weekend.  Here's a tease - some bookmarks I'm going to make using some old business cards and old greeting cards.  What does everyone else do with their old greeting cards, anyway?  I'm still trying to decide on a tassle for the final touch.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010