Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Meet oJo

oJo is a character my daughter created when she was in middle school.  Previously I posted a couple of pieces of art she painted.  As you can tell, she is very creative.  She created oJo on paper - something to doodle.  I expanded a little on that and created a toy animal.  These are my first prototypes.  I'm still perfecting the pattern.  I'll build the inventory, then approach some local shops to see if they'd be interested in selling them.  I've already tried them out on my great niece and nephew, and they seem to be a big hit.  These toys are a perfect fit in a toddler's hand.  The weight is just right, and the construction is very durable.  These appendages won't be coming off easily.  And no plastic eyes or mouth to swallow.  Totally OK to chew.  Totally wash proof.  Cuddly to boot.  Awesome choice of a favorite toy for both child and mom.