Thursday, September 30, 2010

Afghan and Bookmarks

Last night I was looking forward to working on bookmarks.  Got supper out of the way, cleaned up in the kitchen, paid the bills.... then the power went out.  So much for WIP Wednesday.  So, I made up for it tonight.  I finished up some bookmarks that I had been working on.  I think they'll make great stocking stuffers, or be that special extra touch tucked in a book given as a gift.  These, too, I'll work on as time permits, and add them to my inventory for "one day".  One Day when I decide I have enough goodies put away to open a store.  I'm also working on some Christmas gifts for family.  This afghan is number 3 of 3.  I'm only about 1/4 done.  Afghan number 2 still needs to be washed so I can add the fringe.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Something New Saturday - Candle Cozies

Not too long ago I stumbled upon a blog of a very talented crocheter - Sarah London.  In addition to her awesome color combinations, she has shared some of her projects - including her glass cozies.  Crocheting with thread is something I like to do from time to time, so I was drawn to this idea of a cozy.  I love candles, and I thought an elegant cozy for a glass candle would be a nice decoration for the home.  Although the idea came to me from one of Sarah's projects, this candle cozy design is all my own - a Cary2Crafty original.  I liked the finished product so much, I'll probably build some inventory in hopes to sell these one day.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

WIP Wednesday - Squares for Online Angels

Last year I decided I would set a goal for myself to make 1000 Granny Squares for Online Angels (OA).  These squares, together with those from other volunteers, will be assembled into Loveghans to comfort those most in need.  I planned to make 100 each month, giving myself extra time to make other things - for OA, family, and friends.  Sounds like a good plan, but it hasn't been easy.  There were a few months when I just wasn't able to do it.  I haven't added them all up yet, so I don't know how I'm doing so far.  I'll add them up after I send my box off to OA and see what kind of push I need to make to reach my goal.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Something New Saturday - Yo Yos

I decided that Saturday would be a good day to learn something new.  I have a lot of ideas to try, so I'll have a lot of full Saturdays coming up.  Today I wanted to figure out how to make fabric Yo-Yos.  I started out looking for a pair of good scissors so I could cut out some diaper shirts for the charity I volunteer for.  Someone suggested a rotary cutter.  I have several already - for paper crafts and for fleece projects.  But I never thought about cutting anything more than a straight line.  So - off to the internet to research.  I discovered a whole new world of what you can do with a rotary cutter.  I'll have to save my $$$ and coupons, though, for my wish list - including templates to use with rotary cutters.  While on this search, I saw some cool-looking templates for making yo-yos.  So - I gathered my supplies - bought some I didn't already have, and spent the day making yo-yos.  I should also mention the helpful video tutorial at  It was a slow start, but after the first few I found myself on a roll.  It will take a lot of these little babies to make a coverlet for the bed, so I'll just make them when I'm in the mood and collect them in a jar.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Testing and Teasing

This is just a test to see if I can upload a picture.  I was able to do a little crafting over the holiday weekend.  Here's a tease - some bookmarks I'm going to make using some old business cards and old greeting cards.  What does everyone else do with their old greeting cards, anyway?  I'm still trying to decide on a tassle for the final touch.