Saturday, November 27, 2010

Something New Saturday - Ripple Pillow

I think my "Something New Saturday" might have to turn into just plain "Something New".  A new project from beginning to end sometimes takes me more than one day.  Last Saturday, I was battling a cold and really didn't feel up to crocheting.  For this post, I actually started the project last night.  I've been searching for a ripple pillow pattern from my great aunt's generation.  I posted an inquiry on my Online Angels group, and a member told me how she's made them in the past.  So I found the basic pattern, and chose up-to-date colors.  I loved how it turned out.  I can't wait to play with more color combinations for my pillow projects next year.

I was excited to get started on my Something New, but I made myself complete my final afghan Christmas present over Thanksgiving.

The first afghan I made for my sister-in-law Kimberly.  Using Simply Soft, it's a country blue color.  The pattern is from Heirloom Afghans (Leisure Arts), and is called Marvelous in Mauve.  (I used my artistic freedom and chose a different color.)

Next on the list was an afghan for my brother-in-law and sister-in-law - Ken and Lisa.  I've used this pattern before for my nephew when he got married.  For this afghan I also used Simply Soft, but using a dark blue.  The pattern is found in Birthstone AFGHANS  (Leisure Arts), called JULY - Ruby.  I've always loved the pineapple design.

The final afghan for my Christmas project is for my parents-in-law.  Again, using Simple Soft (can you tell it's my favorite yarn?) - this is a heather color - plum.  The pattern is another from Heirloom Afghans called Just Peachy (notice the color of mine isn't peach.)

Now that I have these out of the way, I get to work on my WIPs in addition to my donations for Online Angels.    Let's see - Amanda's blanket, another blanket using up some baby chenille, scarves for the Special Olympics, a candle cozy, fabric yo-yos, edged fleece blankets .....  I'm sure there are many others but they've been put away for so long I just can't remember.  Oh, and for next year - my personal projects will be pillows and more pillows.  Maybe slippers - as my family seems to get a kick out of the old-fashioned hand-crochet slippers.  For Online Angels, I'm going to concentrate on baby items.

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