Saturday, October 30, 2010
Something New Saturday - Hot Pad
This past week I've been visiting some blogs of fellow crocheters. I've added myself as a follower of several that seem to have the same interests. I've been inspired by many - there are so many talented people. I could spend days surfing blogs on the net. Last week my interest was renewed in potholders and hot pads. I started my Saturday running errands, including a trip to AC Moore for some cotton yarn for my Something New project. Back at home, I was going to search for some patterns on-line, but today my home internet connection decided to die. They sent a technician right away, so I had a mad dash around the house picking up mess the kids left. Fun, fun. While I waited for the tech to show up, I pulled out some pattern books in search of a pattern of something round that would make a cool potholder or hot pad. I found a pattern in an afghan book with some motifs that would be perfect for a potholder. I made 2 and joined them together, then made 2 final rounds. I think this will also double as a hot pad. I don't really like working with cotton, but it's the best yarn for kitchen stuff like pot holders, hot pads, and coasters You might not be able to tell the colors - the picture quality isn't the best. But I used pale yellow, navy blue, a variegated "Vintage Twist", burgundy, and sage. These colors will go great in my kitchen.
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Something New Saturday - Special Olympics Scarf
For many personal reasons, the Special Olympics Scarf Project is near and dear to my heart. I stumbled upon this project a few years ago, and was awestruck by the response across the country. I participated that year and sent in about 6 scarves. Following the activity, I was surprised to see that they could practically fill a basketball court with all the donations. At one point I was disappointed that they had so many contributions that the scarves ended up across the town and in stores. Then again, I was humbled that so many people would care enough to take the time to participate. I ran out of time last year, so the 2 scarves I completed ended up being donated to Online Angels instead. I hope I can get myself together enough to make the deadline this time. For my Something New, I ran across this idea when looking at some afghan patterns. This is a Scandinavian Square pattern from a recent magazine. I didn't chose the colors - these are designated for the 2011 Special Olympics Scarf Project. It was fun to do, but not fun enough to mass produce. I'm thinking of a Mile-A-Minute pattern for the next one. Stay tuned for a different one on an up-coming Something New Saturday.
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Something New Saturday - Scrabble Tile Pendants
This past week I received a notice for an upcoming class at a local art store. The picture attached to the notice showed some ornaments made of glass pendants. I don't have time for the class, but I really was intrigued by the ornaments in the picture. In my search for more information about the glass pendants, I ran across instructions on how to make glass tile pendants. And that led me to the discovery of Scrabble Tile Pendants. I had never seen these before, but apparently I'm a couple of years behind the times. They look so cool, I immediately wanted to see if I could make them myself. I was amazed at how many different websites have instructions, and how many different opinions are out there as to the best way to make them. I have most of the supplies on hand for the Scrabble Tile Pendants, but didn't have much time to make them the traditional way with several coats of glue and glaze. I kind of chickened out and cheated somewhat. Plus - I want to practice on the wooden tiles before I work with the nicer glass tiles. I hope I can figure out how to make the glazed top without bubbles or cracking. In the mean time, I used epoxy stickers to get a feel for the finished product. The only thing left to do is glue on some bails and work out a cord strap to turn them into necklaces.
Saturday, October 9, 2010
Something New Saturday - Grannies
Today I thought I'd kill two birds with one stone. I wanted to continue with my Something New Saturday, but I also have the deadline of my 1000 squares goal looming. So I decided to get out my 99 Grannies book and try out some new patterns. Although it was good practice for me reading and following the different patterns, I think I'll just stick to the basic granny from here on out. The basic granny is so quick and easy, and I think the lines are much nicer and cleaner. Plus - I don't have to constantly think about what I'm doing - I can watch TV, listen to music, have a conversation with the family - without worrying about losing my place and messing up the pattern. I found one major mistake in one of them, but I just left it alone. It adds character.
On a different note, I was excited this past week when I was able to complete my supply of yarn for my next project - 2011 Special Olympic Scarves. You can read about it on the internet - use GoodSearch as your search engine and look it up. You'd be surprised at the overwhelming response they get to their call for handmade scarves. And I'm sure Coats & Clark is happy with the yarn sales.
Saturday, October 2, 2010
Something New Saturday - Fabric Basket
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