Sunday, October 24, 2010

Something New Saturday - Special Olympics Scarf

For many personal reasons, the Special Olympics Scarf Project is near and dear to my heart.  I stumbled upon this project a few years ago, and was awestruck by the response across the country.  I participated that year and sent in about 6 scarves.  Following the activity, I was surprised to see that they could practically fill a basketball court with all the donations.  At one point I was disappointed that they had so many contributions that the scarves ended up across the town and in stores.  Then again, I was humbled that so many people would care enough to take the time to participate.  I ran out of time last year, so the 2 scarves I completed ended up being donated to Online Angels instead.  I hope I can get myself together enough to make the deadline this time.  For my Something New, I ran across this idea when looking at some afghan patterns.  This is a Scandinavian Square pattern from a recent magazine.  I didn't chose the colors - these are designated for the 2011 Special Olympics Scarf Project.  It was fun to do, but not fun enough to mass produce.  I'm thinking of a Mile-A-Minute pattern for the next one.  Stay tuned for a different one on an up-coming Something New Saturday.


  1. Wow, all of these "new projects on saturday", good on you for trying new things constantly... I tend to get stuck making the same 5 or ten things!
    Hmmm.... I usually don't use cotton for anything because it's hard to buy it in the bright palatte I like to work with, we can only buy pastels and creams, so if you give it a go let me know!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It would be easier to wash if you are planning on using it for non-ornamental purposes!!!! Looking forward to seeing your results, and loving your crafting, great stuff!

  2. Thanks for the compliments. It's a challenge to find the time on Saturdays, but I'm determined to do that for myself. Your mandala pattern is one I wanted to use, but unfortunately my internet died. I'm keeping it marked - I still have some cotton yarn for another potholder.
